
grant farley

Grant Farley, born in North Hollywood, California, is a former teacher, full time writer, and lighthouse enthusiast.

Although he has published numerous short stories and written a number of novels, his first published novel, Bones of a Saint, was released by Soho Press in March, 2021.

His short stories, collected in LAMental, explore the psychological and physical landscape of L.A., appearing in a unique array of publications. A quartet of these stories was recently performed by Hollywood actors in a one author show at the prestigious New Short Fiction series.

Farley is a workshop junkie whose writing has been shared and honed at a number of conferences and events, including Squaw Valley, Iowa Summer, SCBWI, Cuesta College, Atwater Wordspace, Oregon Coast Children’s Writers, Southern California Writer’s Conference, Times Festival of Books, and LACMA. He is pedigreed in English from U.C. Santa Barbara, with an M.A. in rhetoric and work in the U.C.L.A. Writers Program. He has further served a lifelong apprenticeship with the wise souls of the Asilomar crew and also coordinates their annual writers retreat.

While teaching and writing and raising a family—seldom more than a walk away from a beach—he has taught at a Santa Monica alternative school, a Los Angeles barrio junior high, and many years at the San Pedro High Marine Science Magnet. He is now a full time writer, and also labors enthusiastically at the Pt. Fermin Lighthouse as gardener/docent/event maniac.

At this very moment you may spot him in his alcove overlooking L.A. harbor, huddled over his grandfather’s rolltop, a Springer Spaniel curled at his feet, as he furiously pounds away on his current passion, a fantasy novel inspired by his love of Celtic lore, his cynicism of mystic triangles, and his experiences working in an antique lighthouse.